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Student Services

The Lakeside Lutheran High School Student Services department strives to educate, encourage and equip students for life and eternity by supporting all students in their academic, personal/social, spiritual and career development needs.


We want all students to use their God-given abilities to the full and to achieve academic success. Services include: Student Advocacy, Course Planning, Academic Support through the Extended Learning Center (ELC), Development of Organizational and Study Skills, Standardized Testing.
Social / Emotional
We advise and support students in the light of God’s word with the goal that students develop socially and emotionally into young Christian adults who can deal with the challenges that life presents. When a student may benefit from working with a professional counselor, referrals to Christian Family Solutions ( can be made.
Each Lakeside Lutheran student qualifies for three sessions with a Christian Family Solutions counselor during their time at Lakeside. Through the Student Assistance Program, there is no cost to families for these three sessions. If additional sessions are required, families can utilize insurance or pay out-of-pocket. If there is financial need, families may qualify for additional sessions beyond the three initial sessions. For more information, please contact
Mr. Rosenau. 
College & Career
We want all students to be equipped to pursue a vocation after high school that fits their gifts and abilities and allows them to glorify their Savior. Services include: Individual Post High School Planning, Visits from College Reps, Job Shadow Opportunities, Youth Apprenticeship, Xello Career Planning Program, College Entrance Exams, Scholarship Application Assistance, Career Fair (offered biennially). 


Career Day 2023

career day

On Wednesday, 57 presenters (18 alum!) from dozens of industries and professions joined us on campus to share descriptions, stats, and personal experience with our teens. Each LL student attended 3 different presentations to learn, absorb, ask questions and maybe even dream a bit about their futures.
Thanks to our Guidance and Development departments for hosting! See more pics at
Mr. Andy Rosenau
Director of Student Services
Mrs. Jennifer Statz
Assistant Director of Student Services