Lakeside Years
This page contains information about our courses, curriculum, career planning, testing, and youth apprenticeships.
2025-26 Course Selection
2025-26 Course Selection
Youth Apprenticeships
ACT testing
The ACT is accepted by all 4-year colleges and universities in the United States and is the test recommended first for LLHS students. Some Lakeside students choose to take both the SAT and the ACT.
Lakeside will administer the ACT (with the writing component) on campus. The date for this year's administration is March 11, 2025. All current juniors will take the ACT on this date unless they have been opted out by a parent. There is no additional cost for families to take part in this testing opportunity, and there is no registration required. If a family chooses to have their student test again, it is the responsibility of the family to sign them up. This can be done through the ACT website.
The ACT also offers a free online test preparation program that is called ACT Academy. Lakeside students have this at their disposal and only need to create an account to get started. If you have any questions about the ACT, please contact Mrs. Jennifer Statz at [email protected]
AP Tests
AP Tests
The 2025 AP Exams will be administered from May 5–16. For the AP courses that
Lakeside and Amazing Grace Online Academy offers:
English Lit. & Comp., Wed. May 7 at 8 AM
Statistics, Thurs. May 8 at 8 AM
Calculus AB, Mon., May 12 at 8 AM
Environmental Science, Thurs. May 13 12 PM
Psychology, Fri. May 16 at 12 PM.
See the full AP exam schedule.
Other test times of interest are
US History, Fri. May 9 at 8 AM
Physics 1. Fri. May 16 at 8 AM -
Students will be excused from Lakeside classes if AP exams conflicts. Students should inform those teachers in advance.
Each subject’s exam will be taken on the same day at the same time, worldwide.
It is important that students who plan on taking the AP exams they signed up for regularly log into their Collegeboard AP account, and read the emails they are being sent by Collegeboard. Students have access to additional tools and resources through their account that will aid them in test preparation. Visit the AP website for more info.
If you as a student or a parent have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Rosenau or to your AP teachers.
Online courses
Online courses
In addition to our full range of course selections, Lakeside participates in Amazing Grace Virtual Academy. These online credit courses are taught by various active and retired teachers within the WELS high school system. Families are responsible for the cost of the courses and AGVA. Interested students/families can see course descriptions and more info on the Amazing Grace Virtual Academy.
What are the pre-requisites for graduation?
Should I take a world language?