Academics » Youth Apprenticeships

Youth Apprenticeships

Lakeside participates in the Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship (YA). This program allows juniors and seniors to combine academic and technical classroom instruction with mentored on-the-job training. This program is administered by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD). For more information, contact Mr. Andy Rosenau
How it works
  • Take Lakeside courses that are required for graduation and related technical course
  • Work 10-20 hours/week, minimum of 450 hours for a 1-year apprenticeship (June 1-May 31)
  • Employer pays minimum wage or better (determined by employer)
  • Youth apprenticeship in high school may be a bridge into registered apprenticeship after graduation
  • Potential one hour of release time junior year, two hours senior year
  • Must maintain a C+ average in all classes
  • Be approved by administration
Benefits to Students
  • Build a resume for career portfolio and/or college/scholarship applications
  • Receive paid on-the-job training
  • Develop skill set in their career field
  • Complete advanced coursework in a specific career
  • Earn credit for prior learning at the technical college or university
  • Earn a recognized skills certificate of occupational proficiency from the State of Wisconsin
  • Develop a network of contacts in your career field
What fields are available for apprenticeships?
Well, what are you interested in? There's an apprenticeship for that!
Business have been asking for Lakeside students and are eager to work with you. Apprenticeships are available with veterinarians, accountants, electricians, dairy farms, bakeries, auto mechanics, welding, carpentry, fashion—and more! 
If you want to work on a skill and move into an apprenticeship after graduation, reach out to Mrs. Amanda Bosnak at [email protected] or Mr. Rosenau at [email protected]