Educational Support » Enrollment » Transfer Warriors

Transfer Warriors

Lakeside Lutheran welcomes transfer students! Special efforts are made to assist in the adjustment to their new school setting. School counselors and teachers strive to help make the adjustment quick and easy as students discover new friends and new interests. Athletes transferring from area high schools are reminded that WIAA rules apply to all transfers.
Enrollment Folder/Information

Interested in a school tour? Do you have specific questions and concerns? Admissions Director Steve Lauber ([email protected]; 920-648-2321 x2218) is the best place to start! He will put together an information and enrollment packet to suit your needs or get you connected with the Guidance Office. Principal Don Schultz is also always happy to take new families on a personalized tour of our school.

More details on questions related to tuition and financial aid 

Ready to enroll? (involves a $200 tuition downpayment)

For enrolling families who are not members of a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran (WELS) congregation, we reach out to acquaint them with the LLHS mission and purpose before approving the enrollment. We welcome opportunities to serve the families of our community, and we work to make sure all families have the information needed to determine if LLHS is the right fit for their family's education needs. 
Once you've enrolled:

Plan to get involved!

Co-curricular activities (both school- and non-school-sponsored) are an important part of high school. Get involved with groups, clubs, or teams!  These fun activities make you a well-rounded student. Become active in volunteer service activities. Contact Mr. Lauber or the LLHS office with any questions or concerns.

See the staff contact info menu and feel free to contact any of us.